Sunday, November 1, 2009


We had such a fun Halloween this year my sister in law and her kids were out so on Halloween day we went over to my moms to decorate cookies and have a craft day. The girls got to decorate cookies as well as make a bracelet. Zoey loves when her cousins come out they have so much fun!
We then took the kids to our wards trunk or treat at our church and went to a few family members house. Slade really didn't want to wear his costume he just wanted to eat all the candy. And Zoey didn't want to leave hers on either so it was a very short night of trick or treating.
Slade is at the age where he hates to sit still so this is usually how my pictures turn out! He is our little wild man!!

My little stinker

Slade the frog and Zoey the skunk


Binghams said...

your kids have so much cute :)Love their costumes.