Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines Day

We had such a great valentines day on Friday we went to a Benefit Dinner for Tucker Caldwell at the Western Park it was such a great time catching up with friends and we even stayed out till 9!!!! I know I know its not very late but you have to realize I CANNOT be away from my babies for very long and we were gone for 3 hours and that was pretty long for me. Don't get me wrong I LOVE time to myself but it usually consists of going to the gym or to the store hahah
anyways then on Saturday Brigham had to work and got home about 5ish and we did dinner and opened gifts Brigham got a HUGE bronze Fossil watch and a couple of Volcom shirts. Zoey and Slade got a couple of outfits and TONZ of candy. I got a Nixon watch, a tanning pass, and a wallet. We really did have such a great day. And I know I am so horrible about taking pictures I am sorry I am working on that you would figure since I got this big nice fancy camera last Christmas i would take loads of pictures well I always forget or go to take pictures and the battery is dead I promise I am getting better


Tiffany Morton said...

I haven't checked in for awhile so I thought I would say hi. Sounds like you guys had a fun Valentines. I saw the picture of Slade on your post below and I can't believe how big he is getting. He is adorable!

HannaH said...

Hey Zelayas I didn't know you had a blog. Isn't our night life exciting. I mean come on 9PM that's really letting our hair down. LOL!