Tuesday, January 19, 2010

our poor baby Slade

Well yesterday Slade started a fever again just thinking he has the cold that the rest of us have i didn't make a big deal out of it and gave him some cold medicine and Tylenol. Well Last night i went into his room and he was burning up so i take him into our bedroom and we decide that we are going to take him to the ER.. On the way to the ER slade had another seizure. Honestly what do you do while your trying to be as safe as possible but get there as quick as i can.. Do i pull over and hold him or just rush? Well i turned on the flashers and hauled ASS! This is his 2nd seizure in 2 weeks. I was so scared I didn't witness his first seizure and was so thankful for that but i was there for this one and was freaking out. Well the Dr looked into Slades ears and he just said "umm just a minute" then i knew something was wrong. here came another nurse, Dr, another nurse? I asked "what is going on?" The Dr said "these are the worst ear infections we have ever seen!" I was mortified oh great what a horrible mother I am not even knowing my poor baby has ear infections that bad. GREAT!!!!! Well they give him a shot of antibiotic and get us set up with an appt with Dr catten. We went this morning to Dr Catten and he said the same thing "Oh wow, these are horrible!" so needless to say we are scheduled for surgery on Thursday morning. I am so scared I know it will be good for him to FINALLY be able to hear and not be sick for once. He is just my little tiny baby i am looking at what could happen. I am an emotional wreck not because I'm to scared more nervous than anything. I always told myself "i want to be the best mom i can be," and I kinda feel like a failure to my children. They are always sick and i don't know if its something i am doing wrong or what. I try and wash there hands, I sanitize the carts, I bundle them up.
ok ok there was my little vent session I'm better now. i know I am trying my hardest and all we can do is pray that these tubes work for my little man and his seizures to stop.


Kandice said...

Im sorry Marlie----I have had more than my fair share of scary situations and sick kids...so I feel your pain. I bet he will feel much better after he gets those ears fixed!

George and Karyn said...

I'm sorry Marlie. I hope that the tubes help him. You are in our prayers.

Gill said...

I'm sorry Marlie! Its no fun watching them wake up from surgery! Jagger had surgery when he was six months old. Not just a routine easy one, they cut from ear to ear and did a rubik's cube number on his skull! Maddox had tubes when he was two. I know exactly how you feel right now! Hang in there! Dr Catten is amazing!
And Marlie, You are an amazing mommy!!! Kids get sick.

Unknown said...

Oh I am so sorry! That makes me sad! You are a great mother, dont doubt yourself ever! There are some things that are just out of a mom's hands. Everything will be just fine! if you need anything let me know! I would love to help!

Ashley said...

Don't be too hard on yourself! You are GREAT mom and those kids are soooooo lucky to have you! Who knows why but this is just your trial right now! Things will get better and Slade will be just fine. I will add him to the prayer roll at the temple when Josh and I go this week. But know that you are in OUR prayers as well. Let me know if you need anything!!

Josh and Kristen said...

Oh, I am so sorry about your poor baby. Since it is thursday, I am sure you are home and the whole ordeal is over. I hope that he starts feeling better and that your life can be a little less stressful. Keep in mind that it is not your fault if your kids get sick. You are doing everything you can, it doesn't make you a bad mom. It just means it's been a hard winter for their little immune systems.

Tiffany Morton said...

Hey Marlie, just wanted to tell you thank you for all your sweet comments on my blog! Hope the little guy gets feeling better! Love ya.