Well Zoey has made the transition into the toddler stages. She is starting to talk so much. She has a new word everyday,her latest ones are "Toot", "Cup" ,"Outside", and "Please". She talks so much now and is so very independent. She likes to do things herself and will ask for help if she HAS too.
I was sure that when I had Zoey that since she was such and easy baby that the toddler years were going to be a breeze needless to say I was wrong! She has learned how to throw fits and when I say fit its not the little bit of cry it is throw herself on the floor and bang her head on walls. Oh her new trick when she gets mad is to bite. Well we have introduced time out and she does pretty well with that. I just sit her down on the stairs below our bar stools and explain to her why she is in time out. I think she is getting better with her fit throwing but some of the time I just have to laugh at her. She definitely has the Wilhelm temper. The other day I had turned cartoons on for Zoey while I got ready. Well I was finished getting ready and it was her turn to get ready. So I said to her " Okay sis its time to get ready we have to turn Dora off and go get our clothes on." Oh my goodness you would think that it was the end of the world. She threw the biggest fit all because I turned her cartoon off. Wow is this kid really mine hahah...
Zoey decided the other day that since Mommy was going on the potty that she wanted to try. So she took off her pants and started to take off her diaper and I put her up on the potty. She was so good I told her to go pee pee which she did then I told her to go poop I would tell her to push. The first time just a toot came out and she thought that was pretty cool. So by the end of potty time she had peed and pooped in the big girl potty. She was SO proud of herself her face was just beaming.
This is the best picture we have of her by the potty
Zoey has also decided that she likes her big girl bed. My mom had this toddler bed at her house and she asked if we wanted it for Zoey to get used to sleeping in a bed. Well we brought it home and put sheets on it and pillows, and Zoey decided she wanted to sleep in it. So I laid her down gave her kisses and sang her a song. I came out of her room and stood by the door because I just knew this wasn't going to last. Well there I sat and sat and finally I just peeked in and she was OUT!! I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought to myself is it really going to be this easy to get her to sleep in a big girl bed? Well she has had a couple of relapses I think because she was sick but other than that. I am proud to say she is in her big girl bed.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Posted by ALL ABOUT US at 9:07 AM 5 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I'm so sorry that I haven't been blogging lately I have been so busy. We have been working on the outside of our house. We have been planting flowers and just cleaning up the yard. It looks so good now I am pretty proud of myself. I unfortunately haven't got around to taking any pictures yet. Sorry but I promise you they are coming.
Also I wanted to talk a little bit about Memorial Day. This is a big holiday to me and we celebrate it with a bang in our family. Sunday we got together with all my aunts and uncles on my moms side and met up to the cemetery. My grandma passed away in February of 2007 but even though it has been a year and a half it is still really hard to go up to the cemetery. My grandpa passed away in 2005 (WOW i can't believe it has been 3 years!) So we try to make this Day really special. Well we decorated the graves and then headed back to my mom and dad's house for a BBQ. I love when the whole family gets together and we BBQ it is always such a good time. We all end up laughing about old memories as well as new ones. I am truly blessed to have such a great family. I am so grateful for this holiday that it makes people actually stop and appreciate life as well as appreciate those who lost their lives fighting for our country.
This is my grandma Richins about 3 weeks before she passed away. We wanted to get a 5 generation picture together. Also in the picture is my mom, me, Zoey, and Grandma R
Sadly i don't have any pictures of my grandpa Richins on my computer but I am planning on doing a blog about him and my grandma so there will be some coming....
Posted by ALL ABOUT US at 2:42 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
Update on the pregnancy
Well I thought I would give you a little update about the pregnancy and how it has been going lately. I am 28 weeks so I have about 10 weeks left until I am 38 weeks and I will go in for my c- section.
This last couple of weeks have been really hard. I have had ALOT of pressure "down under" haha I also have had alot of contractions. They think that since I tore my placenta early on in my pregnancy that this may be resulting in the contractions. I just really have to take it easy which is really hard to do when you have a 1 1/2 year old that loves to be on the go.
Other than that I feel pretty good though. I haven't gotten to big yet though I was huge with Zoey at this point, but that could have been that I gained 60 lbs with her hahah. This pregnancy I have only gained 7 lbs so far. I am pretty proud of myself for that but the cravings are alot different I crave fruit unlike my first pregnancy I craved chocolate and ice cream.
But we are on the countdown until our baby Treyton comes. It will be here before I know it.
Posted by ALL ABOUT US at 10:10 AM 6 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008

We arrived at Lagoon Saturday morning around 11:00 am. We started out on the kiddy rides Zoey wasn't to sure at first but once she knew what to expect we couldn't get her off the rides. She would cry when the ride was over it was so cute to watch. She got to ride most of the rides with her cousin Ellie, they had a blast together.

Posted by ALL ABOUT US at 3:44 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
What a good time
This is my beautiful Mom and my handsome Dad.
(below) My brother Tyler and sister in law Beth
We had such a great weekend. My brother Tyler and Sister in law Beth and their kids came out to go turkey hunting. We had such a fun time hanging out with them. Zoey loves when her cousins come out. They all play so good together.
On Saturday we decided that we wanted to go fishing and have a picnic. So we headed up to Calder's when we got there we ended up not being able to fish because of winter kill. So we tried over to Crous but that had also winter killed.
We ended up just having a picnic and hanging out. The girls had such a good time being in the dirt and being adventurous.
It was so nice to hang out with my family Tyler and his family is so busy that we don't get to do these kinds of things very often so when we do they are so much fun. I always enjoy hanging out with my family we always have such a good time.
Posted by ALL ABOUT US at 8:40 AM 2 comments